March 25, 2013

Tick tock...BOOOOM!

Ok sports fans, how are we all doing today? Good, we like that. So, you've probably noticed the blog constantly changing as each day flies by. New posts whizzing up at an insane pace and new cool stuff being added, such as new tabs and some crazy sidebar widgets, like the polls and our latest arrival...the countdown to PSP Atlanta clock. Cool eh??!!

Anyway, keep checking in, there'll be heaps of new content going up all the time. We have lots of crap to say about this sport we love so much and the people in it and we have some interviews lined up with people we're privileged to have access to so watch this space. Plus, we'll be getting some history up about us, because we know you're all so interested in our massive under achievements.

Oh, and if you're even MORE interested in what we have to say, follow us both on Twitter @gfhpropaganda and @gfh316.

Keep it GFH.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome edition that brother! Now we can work out exactly how long we've got till we can say goodbuy to the outside world in favour of Paintball Access ;)


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