March 17, 2013


So what's all this GFH crap about. Well, it ain't get effin' hench or get effin' high that's for sure. GFH is kinda what we all are if we think about it, Guns For Hire. It's also a klutch of ballers started by me (Al Woods), my boy Chris Latham and my bro Paul Woods. We started it in the 2004 season when we left the team we all started (K2) to whore our asses out to Shockwave for the chance to play EXL.

Since then we'll try our best to jump on board any team to play hard ball and have as much winning fun as possible.

Great teams can make ballers great, but the GFH as much of a one man wrecking machine as possible. All great teams want that. Fact.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see you guys rip up the CPPS this year.

    Great blog by the way, keep it up!!


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