March 28, 2013


You know that one bit of kit that you love above all others..... Well my Sandana is just that. I flipping love that thing. Well I thought before our next run out at the CPPS in 2 weeks I'd start sorting my kit out. Got everything out and made sure all my stuff was ok. Even put a few things to one side to give em a wash. This was something that non of my kit got for the 12 months we played for Shockwave. It wasn't that people where scared to play us, they just couldn't stand the stench!!

Anyway, threw a few things in the Hotpoint and grinned to myself about how fresh and clean I was gonna look when I strode onto the field to shoot some chumps in the face. Weeellllll, it didn't quite go as I planned, all thanks to my lady friend......... SHE PUT SOMETHING RED IN WITH IT!!!!!

I am now the proud owner of the only custom gay pride edition Sandana!  Now the worst bit of it is actually the terry cloth liner that can't be seen, but guess what? Yeah, I know it's there!!! How the hell am I supposed to be some bad ass serial killing mofo knowing that pressed against my head is the ghayest Sandana this side of the Manchester Pride march!

Still, at least Al is gonna love it x


  1. Never got on with sandannas but couldn't play without my MWAG headband.

    Unlucky, I'm sure you'll look delightful :D

  2. Haha you knows I'm gonna look like a P.I.M.P! Can't beat a sweet sandana but I know Al's not too fond of them.

    Thanks for the comment though dude. Not enough people post comments on blogs.


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