April 17, 2013


The PSP just upped pics of the Mid Atlantic Open field, and it's another crazy one!

There is a back centre this time, but it's not one that the larger back players have been praying for....It's a small cake! Looks like no one is gonna be stacking people up in that for delayed breakouts so maybe this I'd gonna be another aggressive field?

The D-side is looking pretty good too with plenty options. There's even a row of stand up cans just infield of the D's to block a few lanes, or maybe even nip into for the more adventurous players?!

Snake side is a bit different as there are some good stop off points at the mini race's, but the 50 D is gonna freak some of the snake boys out! It's on the wrong tape!!! Ha, sure they'll figure it out, but one things for sure, once they get into that point every gun on the field is gonna turn onto them!

Some other interesting bits are dotted about, and I wonder if more people are gonna take advantage of the centre race this time. Only a few teams used it to their advantage in Dallas, but when they did, it seemed to work real good. What do you kit think? Any crazy breakouts or plans that come to mind? Drop us a comment and let us know your top plays...

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