April 16, 2013


Following on from our other mini product reviews we thought we should give our ballers eye view on our new toys. The Planet Eclipse GEO3. Before we go any further, if you're after gas efficiency specs, weight figures or ball on ball accuracy numbers then you're gonna be massively disappointed. Our reviews are very much what we think about the product, not necessarily supported by accurate figures. So yeah, pretty useless I suppose. But don't let that spoil a good read though eh.

Prior to our GEO3 hook up we shot our GFH Edition EGO05s which were awesome!! Accurate, fast and easy to use with a good feel about em on the field, plus they look sick in GFH Green. Moving to the GEO felt a little strange because of the massive size difference and the fact they shoot completely differently. Obviously the EGO is an open bolt design whilst the GEO has the spool system. What difference does this make? Well the gun seems a lot smaller with a lower profile and all the magic stuff happens inside so you don't see a bolt buzzing back and forth as you let rip, which is something I thought I'd miss.

On the field the GEO feels light and almost like an extension of your arm because of this lower profile. There's pretty much zero kick to it when opening up, you really do almost forget it's in your hand. The last CPPS event was the first time we even shot them, so no road test, no practice shooting, no trial run or anything. Real Pros. We wanted to do this to see just how much of a difference it made and how easily you can adapt to it. VERY easily is the result of that little test. Chris had a couple of issues with his but the Planet Techs made a quick tweak and he was off again.

Running and gunning, diving, crawling, gun-fighting; all this felt super natural with the GEO without any clumsiness or awkwardness that some gats have. We bonded with these bad boys instantly. Zero breaks, zero leaks, zero problems. Incredible!! And I usually break stuff.

The GEO sits pretty much at the top of the food chain when it comes to markers and for very good reason. We saw lots of other top end markers go down at the weekend which shouldn't really happen when you spend upwards of £1000 on one. The GEO was faultless, even with 5 star grade tournament paint that broke on clouds.

Ok, so maybe a bit of tech stuff. Ball on ball this thing was awesome. Snapping, wrapping, laning and feasting was easy with steady streams flying everywhere. With a trusty Flash Signature trigger job this is such an easy gun to shoot and to keep shooting. I pretty much kept mine rolling constantly without a splutter or fear of breaks...when I was alive that is.

Gas efficiency was hard to judge as I used my 45; I only ever plan on living for 2-3 minutes a game. But on a 3k fill I managed 3 pots and half a loader which only used around 12-1500 psi so I reckon if you're a 5 pot ninja you're good with a 45.

Good points:
Light, small, fast, looks pretty cool, simple to fix (not that I ever get into that side of things), bullet proof, zero kick.

Bad points:
Doesn't come in GFH Green...yet, maybe a little too quiet and kickless? Cost. That's about it.

Awesome piece of high end kit that feels as much a part of you as Ash's chainsaw in Evil Dead 2. Easy to shoot, hold, play with and feast with. Plus, you get amazing support from Planet Eclipse as always if something does go wrong.

So there we are. Pretty much no technical specs at all, just our experience of coming back into the game, strapping on some GEO and getting out there. We can't wait to get back out there and add a few more kills to the belt.

The only thing that DOES need to be put through its paces is us. But we'll get there.

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